Scalp Micropigmentation Training Rhode Island

For many men and women, hair loss is a major concern. There are a lot of factors that contribute to hair loss, receding hairlines, bald spots, and thin hair. Whatever the reason may be, most people prefer having a head of hair. Because of this, they look for the best option possible to give the appearance of natural hair. One of the best options is scalp micropigmentation, like that provided by INKredible.

With scalp micropigmentation, the appearance of natural hair is possible. The process is also semi-permanent, so it lasts longer than other solutions. Whether it is to fix a few bald spots or replace an entire head of hair, many patients find scalp micropigmentation is the perfect solution for their hair loss problem.

As scalp micropigmentation is in demand, so are specialists. Because of this, there are a lot of open positions in the field. If you are looking to enter a new field, why not choose to become a scalp micropigmentation specialist?

Scalp micropigmentation specialists are able to help others with their baldness, while also making good money. This makes it a rewarding and lucrative career choice. The process of becoming a scalp micropigmentation specialist is quick, easy, and straightforward. Before you know it, you’ll have graduated training and be helping those with hair loss.

If you are considering joining the growing field of scalp micropigmentation, you’ll want to learn a bit more about it. Below is information about scalp micropigmentation and what is required to become a specialist.

What is Scalp Micropigmentation?

Scalp micropigmentation is a procedure that helps patients with male or female pattern baldness, a receding hairline, bald spots, or alopecia. This is a semi-permanent solution that lasts for years. It can also be used to help with covering scars.

The scalp micropigmentation process involves the use of small hair simulations to create the look of real hair. Scalp micropigmentation is similar to a tattoo, but not quite the same. The scalp micropigmentation process involves the use of specialized tools and processes that help to create the look of natural hair. As scalp micropigmentation is a semi-permanent process, it fades over time. Because of this, a patient will eventually need a touchup.

Scalp Micropigmentation Benefits

There are a lot of excellent benefits to scalp micropigmentation. Some of these benefits include: 

·       A natural appearance. Those looking to fill a bald spot or replace their hair are always looking for a natural looking alternative. Scalp micropigmentation creates a natural appearance that is very realistic.

·       Boost in confidence. Having missing hair or a receding hairline can lead to lower self-confidence. With scalp micropigmentation, many patients see a boost in their self-confidence.

·       A long-lasting solution. Scalp micropigmentation isn’t a short-term hair replacement option. While it doesn’t last forever, it is semi-permanent. This means you don’t have to worry about your hair for years.

·       More volume. For patients with thinning hair that would like to add some extra volume, scalp micropigmentation may be an outstanding choice. Scalp micropigmentation can add the appearance of additional volume to hair.

These are just a few of the amazing benefits of scalp micropigmentation.

What Is the Scalp Micropigmentation Process Like?

The process of scalp micropigmentation starts like a lot of procedures—with an appointment. During the initial appointment, the scalp micropigmentation specialist will provide a consultation and an examination. They will check the hairline of the patient and look for any bald spots. From there, the scalp micropigmentation specialist will draw a mockup so the patient has a better idea of what their new hair will look like after the procedure. After this has been approved, the scalp micropigmentation specialist can begin work on placement.

The process of scalp micropigmentation itself involves the use of microneedles that allow the specialist to place small pigmentation dots on the scalp of the patient. This creates the illusion of real hair. In order to avoid any discomfort, a numbing agent is used.

The scalp micropigmentation process generally takes around 4 to 5 hours per session, and around 2-4 sessions are usually required. These sessions are generally spaced out between 10-20 days of each other. As the sessions take hours to complete, it is often recommended that the patient takes the day off work.

The cost of scalp micropigmentation varies from patient to patient, as each patient has their own unique needs. With that said, a patient may expect to pay around $400-$800 for a smaller scalp micropigmentation procedure. A full scalp micropigmentation often costs around $3,000-$4,000. Some of the factors that will determine the cost is the amount of work needed, the particular specialist, the location, and some other factors.


Scalp micropigmentation doesn’t require a lot of aftercare. With that said, there are a few things patients should keep in mind after they’ve received scalp micropigmentation.

It’s important for patients to avoid shampooing and shaving their heads for about 4-5 days after the procedure. It’s also a good idea to avoid strenuous activity that leads to sweating. This will help to prevent irritation. As scalp micropigmentation causes redness, some patients opt to wear a hat after the procedure until the redness fades.

How Long Does Scalp Micropigmentation Last?

Scalp micropigmentation varies from patient to patient, and so does how long it lasts. As scalp micropigmentation is a semi-permanent solution, it generally lasts for quite a few years. Many patients find they don’t need a touchup for around 5-6 years. At that point, the micropigmentation usually begins to fade.

A touchup is a good thing. Many patients find that their hairline changes over the years and they need to have it updated. A touchup allows for that opportunity. As patients age, their hair begins to grey. A touchup allows the scalp micropigmentation specialist to add some white and grey to better match the appearance of the patient’s remaining hair.

Becoming a Specialist

Now is a great time to enter the field of scalp micropigmentation. There are a lot of opportunities, and the field is booming. The position is also very lucrative, and many specialists make a six-figure income. If you are considering a fun new career, why not consider becoming a scalp micropigmentation specialist?

Once you’ve made the decision to enter the field of scalp micropigmentation, you’ll need to look for a training school. It is at a training school that you will learn how to properly provide the service. Often, these training schools cost around $4,000-$6,000. With that said, it will eventually pay for itself. After graduation, it’s best to look for an internship. You can then make connections in the field and start working under the guidance of an experienced professional.

For an exciting new career, consider becoming a scalp micropigmentation specialist.

Start Your Career Today!

If you are ready to jump into the field of scalp micropigmentation, start looking for a school today! You’ll be happy you made the decision to increase your income and start a new career you’ll enjoy.

If you’d like to learn more, shoot us over a message for a referral for a great school in the area.

You are going to love your new career as a scalp micropigmentation specialist!